Remote working is becoming increasingly popular
Over the last few years, remote working has become more popular within some businesses, particularly with the pandemic forcing many people to work remotely. Remote working gives employees the opportunity to have a better work-life balance. It also means that utility and business premise costs are reduced for the employer. Employees are happier, employers are happy and the business can run along successfully.
But is that all it seems?
As with all new opportunities, along come new challenges. As the popularity in remote working increases, the management of a remote workforce becomes the norm for team leaders and business owners.
Business owners have to deal with and tackle the challenge of remote worker management. It is essential that you know when your employees are most productive and impactful and leverage them at this time. This is regardless of where in the world they may be working from.
Remote working is not a skill that comes naturally to some people. You will have some employees that thrive in the office, while others find the distractions of the office affects their work productivity. You need to take the time to work with employees and see what works best for them, as well as what works before your business.
The same goes for team leaders and managers too. Some managers are not effective at by managing remote workers. You need to decide as a business if you will train these leaders to manage their remote teams or if they will only be able to manage teams that are based in the office.
The solution to successful remote workforce managing is putting a different and clear set of expectations in place for remote workers. Instead of analysing the hours worked, analyse the work production. These results will become more important than hours employees work. You can then look to producing a more result-driven performance analysis for your business.
If you need help implementing remote worker management techniques or policies, contact our Team on 01733 739660. We can help ensure that remote working is implemented correctly with the right policies in place.